Learn how to use our Minecraft Server Status API
Our API provides real-time status information for both Java and Bedrock Minecraft servers. It's free to use and requires no authentication.
Get status information for a Java Edition server.
Parameter | Type | Description |
host | string | Server address (e.g., mc.hypixel.net) |
port | number | Server port (optional, default: 25565) |
GET https://api.raikou.me/v1/status/java/mc.hypixel.net
Get status information for a Bedrock Edition server.
Parameter | Type | Description |
host | string | Server address (e.g., play.nethergames.org) |
port | number | Server port (optional, default: 19132) |
GET https://api.raikou.me/v1/status/bedrock/play.nethergames.org
The API returns JSON responses with the following structure:
"status": "online",
"ip": "server_ip",
"port": 25565,
"hostname": "server_hostname",
"version": {
"name": "1.20.1",
"protocol": 763
"players": {
"online": 1000,
"max": 2000
"motd": {
"raw": "§6§lServer MOTD",
"clean": "Server MOTD",
"html": "<span style=\"color: #ffaa00;font-weight: bold;\">Server MOTD</span>"
"latency": 50,
"edition": "java"
To ensure fair usage, the API is rate limited to:
The API uses standard HTTP response codes and returns error messages in JSON format:
"error": "Error message description"